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CasePrep® creates a complete picture of a claim for you. Our analysis includes assessment of the reasonableness and justification for treatment as well as an overview of the treatment and injuries. Evidence-based pros and cons are identified that are common to injuries and medical treatment creating a cohesive picture of the case. A concise summary is generated with cross-references to your organized and annotated medical package. Using CasePrep® is easy. CasePrep®'s main features include:



CasePrep® reports include the following:
  • An executive summary of key arguments as well as review of medical records

  • Treatment charts with an accompanying overview of the course of care

  • Reasonable medical cost charts depicting a fair range for each provider, justified by medical records and supported by:

    • Analysis of the reasonableness of charges

    • Justification for duration and frequency

    • Relatedness of services to the claimed injury

  • A detailed review of key arguments regarding each injury in a pro and con format highlighting causation, nature, and extent of injury through objective medical findings, observations about the extent and consistency of treatment.

View a Sample Summary Analysis 

"CasePrep® is 1000 times better than using bill reviews on third party cases. It's difficult to use the output from a medical bill review because it isn’t easy to convert it into useful arguments. This summary shows clearly what the arguments are and how to use them."


Senior Casualty Manager for a Commercial Auto Insurer

CasePrep® Review

Medical Review is a comprehensive analysis of injuries and treatment delivered in a clear, concise question and answer format. The report clarifies: 

  • Relatedness of injuries

  • Justifications for treatment 

  • Reasonableness of charges incurred

  • Legitimacy of claims of permanency and permanency ratings


Use CasePrep®'s simple checklist to select the components and to add your own areas of focus. Reports explain findings and their significance and reference expert sources to reinforce your position. Records are conveniently bookmarked to easily find the answers you need. 

View a Sample Medical Review 

"I really like the question and answer format. Adjusters don't have the time to do this level of analysis and summarize it like this."



Understand how the arguments of each side will influence the outcome of the case.


CasePrep® organizes each case into value-components and uses the available evidence to identify arguments for the plaintiff and defendant. A comprehensive summary uses our litigation database to highlight steps to efficiently obtain information and improve coordination with defense counsel. Control the components, control the resolution.

CasePrep®'s litigation summary includes:

  • Components-based breakdown of the elements of damage and liability that drive the case

  • Objectives for containing component impact through efficient, targeted discovery steps

  • A witness list that explains the role and potential issues with contributions to the case

  • TrialViewâ„¢ that depicts how the witnesses and evidence will impact the flow of the case

  • Conference call to present and refine the plan

  • Tactical support for depositions

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